Thursday, February 5, 2009

Could Candida be causing you to hold on to body fat?

Cleanse The Candida:

Excess Candida = Excess Body Weight, and Mental Depression

As you probably know, my speaking schedule takes me around the world and at those events, I'm blessed to meet some amazing people from the audiences.Some of these engagements are not fitness related, however ,as you know, I am always asked questions about training, diet and nutrition.

Well recently I was talking to a few very overweight woman who were very frustrated to say the least. They proceeded to tell me that "we've tried every program out there and I can't seem to lose weight".

Now, you have to understand that I have heard that same comment hundreds of times t, and I've trained myself to simply let it pass me by so I can truly focus on the individual in front of me and help them figure out the main obstacle that's holding them back from living life in their dream body.

Well within about 30 minutes I figured out that these woman probably had an overgrowth of Candida in their body. Granted, it was just a guess at the time, but my guesses are usually a pretty good starting point. Just ask Amy, I am very seldom wrong with my diagnosis. Inside family joke! Each of these women have taken many drugs for various ailments and an over abundance of antibiotics for you name it! Been on every fad diet and followed Oprah's training program at every gym in their city.

I asked them to do a few, simple things to clean themselves out and then to call me in 10 days with an update.

10 days later, all 4 women were 12 - 20 pounds lighter, full of energy, allergy free, and very excited and hopefull..

I can assure you, that if you've ever taken any antibiotics or almost any other drug, you have an overgrowth of Candida in your system too. And once you clean yourself out, your body will drop fat, you will become very healthy, you'll experience a massive increase in your energy level, you'll be able to digest your food far faster and more efficiently, and you'll rid yourself of many common allergies.

Here is the basics of what I asked them to do.



The most common place that Candida overgrowth appears is in your intestines, but it can easily spread throughout your entire body. Excess Candida causes a whole host of horrible side effects like:

- headaches
- excess gas
- bloating due to the poor digestion of foods
- food cravings
- constipation
- cramps
- allergies
- weight gain
- the inability to lose weight even on a good diet
- yeast infection
- acne
- fatigue
- depression
- stress
- and so much more...

But there are ways that you can help your body to fight off and clean out much of this matter.

First and foremost, you should clean out your digestive system with a thorough vegetable juice cleanse. When cleansing to make your digestive system healthy again, you should follow a juice cleanse for at least 10 days (up to 30 days).

Your lifestyle may make it difficult for you to just consume freshly squeezed vegetable juice all day long - but you can get by simply by adding 2 or 3 fresh vegetable juices to each day, and eating normal for the rest of the day. At the same time take Nutrilite Digestive Ensigms to replenish good bacteria.

After you've cleansed your body, follow these guidelines:

(1) Avoid added sugars (including fructose, honey, molasses, fruit-juice sweeteners, etc.) and all sugar-sweet foods and snacks, including cakes, cookies, candies, desserts, sodas, fruit-juice and ice-cream, even if they're made with sugar-substitutes like saccharine or aspartame (these substances may cause problems for some people who are allergic or sensitive to them). Stevia extract, which is a natural sweetener, is fine. If you can cut out sugars for 3 days, their "spell" will be broken and you will be able to resist them quite easily.

(2) Avoid white-starch foods, like white bread, cakes, cookies, white pasta, white rice, potatoes, and all refined flours, etc. Whole-grain flour, in moderation, is acceptable, unless you are a 'carbohydrate addict'; also whole-grain brown or wild rice, whole-grain pasta (usually available in the deli section of supermarkets), etc.

(3) Avoid all dairy products, except eggs.

(4) Increase your intake of essential oils, esp. omega-3 oils, which are very lacking in the western world's diet. These include: Fish oils, Flax-seed, borage and evening primrose oils. One tablespoon or three capsules of any of these, twice daily is the norm. Some of these oils can be used as salad-dressing, instead of olive or canola oil, or on whole-grain breads instead of butter.

(5) Add Acidophilus (or Primadophilus), to your diet, after breakfast and after supper daily. ( Digestive Ensigms)

These 5 tips along with a healthy diet like that laid out by the nutrition experts at Pro-Fitness Training should do the trick in helping you clean out any Candida overgrowth.

Give it a try..... it works!

1 comment:

Personal and Business Consultant said...

What about taking Nutrilite intestiflora, the good bacteria? Does that help as well?